This might be due to my insisting on stowing and using two fixed, open utility knives and a super sharp chisel. Over time, my bags and belts usually fail at the tool pockets. It means having the necessary tools on my person to complete the task. Wearing a tool belt for me equates to being efficient and methodical. While there are situations where a tool belt is neither feasible nor warranted for the situation, those times are few and far between. Build good habits and you can speed up your work over time. You don’t have to stop what you’re doing to look in your belt to remove or stow a tool. Call it muscle memory, but it’s a huge time-saver when you’re working or focusing on a task. Over time, repetition has trained me to develop the habit of being able to access and stow these tools in my belts without looking for the pocket. Stanley Fatmax (which I consider the best tape measure).
For professional contractors executing a variety of tasks, this $80 tool belt rocks the job site. The bags slip along the main belt easily as well, so you can reposition them as needed. You also get D-rings if you want to use suspenders. It also has you covered with two large rings for hammers. They found it perfect for holding just enough tools without being overbearing for carpentry work.

The best carpenters tool belt for keeping the right tools on hand is the AWP HP General Construction Leather Belt Flip Pocket Tool Rig. I want my tools right on me in my tool belt at all times. While others look and reach for tools-for me, choosing the right tool belt means access.

Not only are these guys constantly looking for tools or having to fetch fasteners, but they also work less efficiently. They’re constantly picking up and putting down tools. I’ve worked with carpenters and contractors that work out of tool boxes or tool bags.

With the Occidental Leather pick above in mind as our top pick, I thought a more practically-priced solution might be good to highlight here.